1. AWS Account .You may check it here
2. EC2 Instance. Check the online guide here
Enable SSH connection
1. Inside your Amazon EC2 Dashboard, go to Security Group
2. Define inbound connections to your instance.
port range :22
port range : 80
default Tomcat
port range : 8080
Source : [IP]/32
be sure to apply the rule changes
3. Get Default Public DNS of your instance
Connect to instance via putty
Check this link for the detailed instructions to connect to your instance via putty
Install Tomcat
1. Connect to your instance via putty (check link above) . the default login for an ubuntu instance is ubuntu lol
2. Install tomcat.
sudo apt-get install tomcat6 tomcat6-admin
3. Edit users
sudo vi /etc/tomcat6/tomcat-users.xml
4. Restart tomcat
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart
You may deploy your web-applications via SFTP to
5. Test your installation via browser
http://[PUBLIC DNS]:8080/
Install MongoDB
1. download mongoDB
curl -O
2. extract tar file
tar -xzf mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.2.2.tgz
3. Start MongoDB
%MONGO_HOME%/mongod --fork --logpath ~/mongod.log --dbpath /home/ubuntu/db
4. check if the process is running
ps -ef|grep mongod
note: change the logpath and dbpath
more info :
Thats it :D